Bird islets spring back to life in the spring
During the short winter days, there is little movement around islets. A white-tailed eagle might fly by on its patrol and a lone crow might land on the rocks to rest for a spell. But winter does not continue forever. With early spring and the days growing longer come the first migratory birds, including herring gulls, which can be seen – and clearly heard – reserving their familiar nesting sites on Kukkarokivi as early as February. By then other migratory birds are also well on their way back, and soon the sea sheds its icy cover as well. From that point on it’s only a few more weeks until the start of the new nesting season!

Kolkka / Photo: A. Kuusela

A crow on a bird islet / Photo: A. Kuusela

A pair of swans / Photo: V-M. Suhonen